music to my eyes

Can't log in

Feb 23, 2007 4:27 AM by Discussion: Stardock Support General
Just as the title suggests, I cannot log in. As far as I know I have the correct email address that I signed up with and the correct password that Stardock sent me through an email update.

I have a current subscription to Wincustomize and I have Object Desktop. I've also got a new laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium. Not sure if thats an issue, but thought I'd mention it anyways.


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Dec 22, 2006 12:42 AM by Discussion: Stardock Support General
that I should be concerned as to why my Christmas Icon pack(ObjectDock), which was uploaded on 12/19, is still in moderation, and yet there are icons in Object Dock dated 12/21 that are already up?

18 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

Oct 26, 2006 1:48 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
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Or turned on by the vibration of your cell phone? Ahhh! Addictions come in many forms. Share your passion for technology with the world.

I've just opened a shop at It's just a beginning, but soon we will be making additions to some of the different technological categories we've come up with, such as computer tech, domestic tech, music tech, sci tech... well, you get the picture!?

Check it out! You might find something you like! Or are at least addicted to!


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Just to alert an administator or two or three... I have noticed for a couple of days my own previews showing up with that darned little box with the red x inside. Today, I'm noticing alot more than just mine.

Thought someone might want to look into that. Or not!     
17 Replies Reply 7 Referrals
Please join us in welcoming Po' Smedley, aimzzz, and bandit4edu with a hearty W00t! w00t! w00t! (what is that anyways?) All three have accepted roles as administrators at SA.

(These 3 think it's all partying with SAM and bebop by her water pond! Wait 'til they see their list of duties! muahahaha!)

Come on over and say 'hey' to the new volunteers!
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Aug 29, 2006 1:32 PM by Discussion: WindowBlinds
It doesn't appear that Toolbar Icons are supported in IE7. Yes? No? My imagination? I don't believe they ever were in FF. They were in IE6, but not in Microsoft's latest browser update. Could the reason be that IE7 is still in beta?

Is there a way that I can manually change the icons on the IE7 toolbar? Is Stardock working on updating WB so that the Toolbar icons are replaced when the blind is applied?

Questions! Questions! Questions! Somebody please answer her questions!?!     
8 Replies Reply 28 Referrals

Jul 21, 2006 12:53 AM by Discussion: IconPackager
Okay, rather than continuing to complain to Stardock about the shuffling issue in Icon Builder, I've considered that I just don't know what the hell I'm doing. Humour me here. Please? Would someone be so kind as to tell me how to build an IP in Icon Builder? Am I supposed to be able to just drag and drop an icon from my folder of icons that I've developed to the Icon Builder section of Icon Packager and then save it? Or am I supposed to replace each icon in "Icons and Cursers," and then save the pack and then zip it? Either way, I get shuffled icons. In the "builder" area of the program, in the desktop section, it allows for me to replace an MS Outlook icon and a Briefcase icon. However, if I go to the "Icons and Cursers" section, those two icons aren't there to replace. Anyone? My hero, Corky_O?    Paul? Or Paul? Or Paul?
11 Replies Reply 26 Referrals

2 Replies Reply 294 Referrals

uploaded icon

Jul 2, 2006 2:55 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Yesterday, in the afternoon, there were a group of icons uploaded to the misc icons section. I had submitted one of the icons I have now waiting for moderation before that group was put up. I'm not positive but I thought I uploaded it on Friday. The date says 7/1, so maybe it was Friday night after midnight? Not sure, but I do know that when the last batch of them were put up, mine was supposed to have already been in the que.

It says it's still in moderation, but I'm wondering if it is in the que. Can an admin check on this for me?


7 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Ah! Another year has approched, Clifford! Take value in whatever you've learned trhoughout this past year, and apply it to your next year!!

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